Patty Babb

Fun Facts

Ms. Babb also plays viola and cello.

Patty is our invaluable Orchestra Manager.


At what age did you begin playing your primary instrument?

I started violin in 4th grade.

What motivated you to become a musician?

I picked up the violin and began playing immediately by ear. The rest came easily but I really enjoyed playing with others.

Do you have any favorite instructors or mentors who played a critical role in your development as a musician?

Sister Saint John Ven Horst. She was a work-a-holic and I respected that. Music gave her joy. Jack Ranney was my instructor in middle school. I'd come in for my lesson and listen to him practice as I got my own instrument ready and I wanted to play just like him. Occasionally I'd "forget" my violin at home and ask to use his during orchestra practice. When I played his instrument I felt like I COULDN'T make a mistake.

Outside of group rehearsals, approximately what length of time and/or how many times per week do you practice your instrument?

Since managing takes up most of my time these days, practicing is often a fleeting thought–but once I figure out great fingerings that work with expected tempos, I'm good to go. I practice several times per day, 20-30 minutes at a time.

Tell us a bit about your advanced training. Did you attend college for your instrument? Do you continue to take lessons?

I always loved to play, but my desire was to teach and hopefully instill the joy of playing in others, whether they went on to play for their own enjoyment or went on to teach. I performed all through college and attended clinics with renowned player/teachers.

If you could have dinner with any one person, living or not, who would it be and why?

My mother. I really miss her.

Share a little about your family...

I'm married to a wonderful, supportive man; have one married son and 2 grandsons, both golfers just like their dad.

Do you have any hobbies or collections?

Hobbies? I love to fish and I collect frogs.

Tell us your favorite...

Food: pizza Color: blue Song: Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini Vacation spot: my pond Animal: my cat Other: I've had lots of horses in my life and have loved them all

Do you have any words of encouragement for someone who dreams of becoming a musician?

Practice! Study from the best instructors possible. Play/perform wherever you can. Play with others as much as you can. Listen to other performers. Listen to great music and keep an open mind as far as interpretation. There's more than one right way.