Dr. Keith Hanlon

Fun Facts

Dr. Hanlon wakes up every day humming a tune.

"I have a collection of antique piccolos, I enjoy woodworking, and playing Pathfinder with friends."


At what age did you begin playing your primary instrument?


Do you have any favorite instructors or mentors who played a critical role in your development as a musician?

Dr. Carl Adams and Francile Bilyeu, two of my flute teachers whose instruction greatly impacted my playing.

Outside of group rehearsals, approximately what length of time and/or how many times per week do you practice your instrument?

2-5 days a week for at least an hour, more time if I have upcoming performances.

Did you attend college for your instrument? Do you continue to take lessons?

I have a Doctorate in flute performance. I don’t take lessons anymore but do occasionally get a coaching. It’s always great to get feedback.

If you could have dinner with any one person, living or not, who would it be and why?

Stan Lee. He is incredibly talented (created many of the superheros we all know and love) and had so much life experience to share.

Tell us a little about your family.

Engaged and have a golden retriever named Jackson and a cat named Harper (who thinks she is a dog).

What are some of your favorites?

Favorite food: sushi Favorite color: green Favorite movie: Jurassic Park Favorite artist: Pink

Do you have any words of encouragement for someone who dreams of becoming a musician?

Practice and be a sponge. Absorb any and all knowledge from the musicians you look up to.